I'm not sure if many ppl will see this, but a couple of frens and I are Mass Ordering Havaianas Slippers from www.igapost.com.
On average, slippers cost USD$14, which is ard S$20ish?? Which is still pretty cheap in comparison to the prices you see in NUM and other shops in singapore. Shipping is US$12, which all the spree-ers will share, and it take 1-2 weeks to ship into singapore.
So if you're interested and TRUST moi to handle you're moola~
Drop me a message
If the above teaser piqued your curiosity, check out the full 20min of 'The Story of Stuff at http://www.storyofstuff.com/index.html
Sports champ and Overall Champ!
I'm glad and thankful, that I managed to see this before I graduated!
Hexis... its over ?!?! ^^
BIG SHOUT OUT to EVERYONE who came to watch the show!
AND.... The cast who are a fantastic and crazy bunch:

The Men on the Moon, Crazy Dancaholic Max, who is undeniably insane at times; capable of breaking out in dance anywhere and everywhere~ Baby Face Swee Lee, who looks SO CHIO in make up, that I swear he even puts some gurls to shame. lol
Ezra and Mike, U guys RAWKED 'Bad Boys'!
" Nerd also cannot, Bad Boy also cannot? WAT U WANT? SISSY BOY??!" lol
Aunt Sally aka Faith, for being such a terrific and pleasant co-actress to work together with in our scene, "A Night with Elvis". Though thinking back on hindsight, you could have let me know in advance if u were gonna miss certain rehearsals... that way i also can 'pon' wat~ =p
Debra and "Uncle" Paul, My family were reallie taken away by your scene in "california dreaming". They tot it was the most thought provoking story out of all the 6 shorts. Ups La~!
Angela and Fund, I always felt that lead roles are the hardest to play, being restricted with more lines and less free play as us 'Supporting- cast'. BUT U TWO WERE GREAT! I was reallie impressed with the amount of dedication u two put into the roles; especially you
FUND, with the last minute changes to the script during the CNY period and everything.
FUND, with the last minute changes to the script during the CNY period and everything.
Yuxuan, u are an exceptionally GIFTED actor u noe!?!? You reallie should continue exploring this avenue of yourself.
And of course Ellyne, who I can't describe in words~ Haha... lets say it was an intersting experience working with you. ^^ "Hi Mr Tan... its time for you're medicine." You did great for the play gurl!
P.S. Not forgetting Junjie and Shixiong, u guys were GREAT Directors. And BTW shixiong, i was totally BLOWN AWAY by your video... You're reallie talented dude~!
And I need to thank Siewying, who DOLLED ME UP real good. Will reallie miss you when u graduate from this acad year. KIT YA!
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MWAHAHA!! Finally got my hands on an iPhone and its reallie Sw00t!!
Thanks DAD for getting it from the states for me and arranging for the stealth sim modification for the sim card. THough it took like FOREVER ( i spent the entire CNY hols jailbreaking and unlocking the phone), but its reallie worth it... loving it eva since.
p.s. if anyone's interested in getting one ... I dun mind helping to jailbreak and unlock it for you.
for a lil' fee of course... lol